Dufour Cup | Round The Island Race

7th June 2025

The Round the Island Race is one of the most celebrated and iconic sailing events in the UK, held annually around the stunning Isle of Wight.

This year, we are excited to introduce a special category within the race: the Dufour “Round The Island Race” Cup.

This exclusive prize will be awarded to the fastest Dufour yacht completing the circuit around the island, using the existing handicap system to level the playing field for all competitors. This initiative adds an extra layer of excitement and friendly competition among Dufour owners.

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Dufour Cup Round The Island Race

Organised by the Island Sailing Club in Cowes, this race attracts a diverse fleet of around 1,500 boats, ranging from world-class racing yachts to enthusiastic amateur vessels.

Whether you’re a seasoned participant or a first-time racer, this event is a delightful way to showcase and celebrate the exceptional Dufour yachts that take part.

It brings together a community of passionate sailing enthusiasts while adding an exciting and additional competitive edge to the day’s festivities. Join us in this celebration of sailing excellence, and may the best Dufour yacht claim the coveted cup!

Simply enter the race as normal and just let us know that you are taking part. We will pick up the results after the race on Saturday afternoon and announce the winner.

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Universal Yachting Ltd: Mercury Yacht Harbour, Satchell Lane,
Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 4HQ

Call Us: +44 (0) 2380 458737 Mail: info@universalyachting.com

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